Shipping Policy

Delivery Policy

After receiving the order
We will notify the correct delivery time and report the estimated delivery time according to the phone or Email left by the buyer. If you wish to cancel your order, we can accept cancellations and refunds for unshipped orders. If it has been shipped, you need to wait for the shipment to complete. We will cooperate with the buyer to cancel the order and refund the process. After receiving the order in Taiwan, it will be shipped within 48 hours. Delivery time is about 60~90 days after shipment. A tracking number will be provided. For more information, please contact the official

*After completing the payment, I found out that I regret it, can I get a refund?
If there are any questions, customers can contact us by
We will complete the order within 24-48 hours. Customers can request a refund or a replacement product before we ship it. We do our best to provide support to help buyers.

If we have already sent it, please don't worry, the buyer just needs to wait for the goods to arrive and complete the receipt, we will make a shipping label for the buyer.
When we receive a product returned by a buyer, we will inspect the product for 48 hours. If there is no problem, we will refund to buyer via Paypal.
*Please note that returned products must be brand new with no signs of use.

*How long will my order be processed after I complete the payment?
We will complete the order within 24-48 hours. In most cases, scooters can be dispatched the next business day. The above national standard delivery, the estimated delivery time is about 4-7 working days to send out the product.
Please note that due to COVID-19, courier services may be delayed.
*For detailed delivery progress, please refer to the shopping details page or contact

*My order is delayed, what should I do?
In case of package delay, please contact for more details.

*What if the buyer's order is late?
If the order is late, we will give the buyer a $15 discount via Paypal.
Buyers can always contact us for more details via our support email